Thursday, October 4, 2012

XCOM DEMO Review : "Holding Hands Through the War"

So me growing up on fighting games and such games like Mario Kart, my manliness could not entertain the uterus-filled nonsense of turn based gameplay. The waiting, the thinking, the contemplating - all a bit too much for my taste and at first I thought it was too easy. However as I've grown, I've realized that Pokemon isn't a great representation of the turn-based genre so when I dropped Pokemon I dropped the genre as a whole.
Now! I've been hearing all this buzz about this alien game which at first looked like a 3rd person shooter. It also caught my attention by it's interesting design . So with that in mind I decided to take on this Turn-based strategy and dive into...
 XCOM : Enemy Unknown!

Based on the demo the game starts out by holding your hand - and I mean holding it tight! - so you can understand the basics of the game.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Arrow..... but it's Green?!

Hey everyone, I'm back after a long time, so instead of trying to catch up on everything I've missed, I'll be gradually catching up but of course I gotta share upcoming things as well.
So for you DC fans, there seems to be a live adaption happening for a well known hero, the only and only - Super-- I mean Green Arrow!