Monday, July 30, 2012

Game SpotLight : Transformers Fall of Cybertron Demo

ALRIGHT! Hey Geeks and Geekets!
So I know its a bit a random but there is a game that's coming out soon and it holds a sweet spot in my heart so I gotta share this with the rest of the people. This snippet is only focused on the demo, so lets get started with Transformers Fall of Cybertron Demo Review!
Alright so I got an early access to the demo as so did many others who pre-ordered it. Honestly I was unaware of the pre-order perk and was suprised when the code popped up in my email. I believe the demo will be publically released later this week. Now moving on!
So the demo give you three gaming options -
1.Play a BumbleBee demo
2.Play a Vortex demo
3.Multiplayer demo.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

Aaaaariiight, first movie review! And who better to start this out with than none other than Spidey himself... well not quite himself (get into that in a sec).
Introducing... The Amazing Spider-Man!
Ya know I had quite a few ideas on how to do this. I was thinking doing the whole checklist type deal but when I think who the heck am I kidding, that just wouldnt be me. So lemme just break it down to the readers good ol water-cooler style!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Heart Goes Out: Colorado Shooting incident

DARK KNIGHT RISES!! But we're not talking about that right now...
Now on occasion I put aside some things and do tarry on some thoughts.I have a few friends I spoke with regarding the incident and while we all agree this is a very unfortunate event to say the least, many are wondering "Why?"
Before that - Lemme say, - ya know people are truly bothered by the possible idea that this happened because of the previous Batman movie. I have many points of view where people are thinking, "hey - that Joker character was devilishly evil in that last movie. Is this the type of media that we are allowing to warp the minds of our people?"

Friday, July 20, 2012

Anime Spotlight: Natsuyuki Rendezvous [For Love Lovers]

Alrighty everyone,

Its a new day and I've started checking on the this season's anime list. Of course I want to shed some light on some anime I love in previous seasons but a current series caught my attention instantly, thus I had to share with you all, Natsuyuki Rendezvous.

Now this show take animated drama and just does it so well without breaking a sweat.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Manga Recommendation #1: City Of Darkness

Alright geeks and geekets!
I present my first *Manga Recommendation*: 
City Of Darkness

I stumbled across this manga just by the desire to wash the bad taste of Naruto out of my mouth (yeah, i was a fan but no more) and boy how lucky was I!
City Of Darkness takes your main protagonist, who's mixed in a world of street wars and manages to add romance without it taking up too much space.
Basic idea, this guy was the number one kid for a super-sized gang boss - but in one night, everything went out of control and BOOM - the young man now has the biggest kingpin after his neck, we follow his journey and struggle.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Anime/Manga Deal

Hey everyone, as far as the anime/manga section is concerned I will be starting off reviewing some completed ones and following current ones. Also there will be random recommendations here and there, but please bare with me. One man team is no joke, but it'll smooth out later on. Any rec's for me to follow or review, please post below.
Oh be sure to check out my upcoming audio blimps!

Understanding Motion Control

Understanding Motion Control

Since this whole bloggardness started after E3, I will be playing catch-up for a while as far as video game posts go. But before that, I will to take this time to spread my thoughts on a game that i thought was gonna change the world of Kinect.... but didn' all. That's right people, I'm talking about Steel Battalion(SB)! No this wont be a review, bottom line is nothing works- but what does prove to motion gaming?

Welcome to the Greek Nerdium

Welcome everyone to the Greek Nerdium!
I have many names but you can simply refer to me as Ace.
Here we will dabbling in a many of things that may peek your nerdish interests. Mostly starting out with posts, then moving to some podcasts for those not so fond of reading. Please stick with me as we will not only learn about the things that interests our inner geeks but also outer geeks!
